
Margin' up the Scar Edge!

.Given that beginning its high drive up the sinkhole edge, Perseverance has actually been passing through along the edge of the margin unit (the scope of the margin!), a perplexing device wealthy in carbonates, a nutrient group very closely linked to habitability. Below, the vagabond team checked a mound of stone contacted "Presence Gorge," where Perseverance removed the dusty, weather-beaten area with its reliable abrading bit. The leading abraded patch, contacted Eremita Mesa, is actually envisioned above being actually investigated through Perseverance's proximity science equipments mounted on its robot upper arm. This features taking view pictures to examine the millimeter-scale bits that compose the rock, utilizing the WATSON (Wide Slant Topographic Sensor for Workflow and also eNgineering) cam, which operates as Perseverance's magnifying glass.